At Dole Whip Wishes and Castle Dreams not only can we help you plan a Disney vacation, we want to help you live the
Lifestyles of the Niche and Fabulous!
What does this mean exactly? It means, along with planning the ultimate Disney trip, we can also show you how to bring the Disney magic home. For those times when you can’t be at Disney but you wish you could. Because to us, Disney isn’t just a place to go, it’s a way to really live! So if your life could use a bit more carefree whimsy, a little more playfulness, a lot more pixie dust (and less stress) dive into our pages and discover how you too can live the Lifestyles of the Niche and Fabulous!
Plan a Disney vacation
Thinking of planning your first (or next trip) to Disney World? We can help! Our site has tons of tips and tricks to help you plan and execute the best Disney vacation for you and your family. We can assist you with every detail you can think of (and many that you haven’t) from the first stages of planning to the end purchases of fun trip t-shirts and other accessories. Also be sure to check back often for the latest news and updates about the magical world of Disney!
Where to Begin

If this is your first time to the site and you’ve never planned a Disney vacation before, we recommend you start with our Where to Begin page. This will give you an easy overview without overwhelming you with the more advanced details of planning a magical trip.
However, if you’ve been to our site before and you’ve already read our section on Where to Begin, you should head here —> Tips and Tricks. This page gives you a lot more details for planning the perfect getaway. It’s packed with all the pixie dust you can stand!
For those of you who just go to Disney for the food? (No judgement here, folks. This is a judgment free zone!) We have a whole section just for you! You can check it all out at Treats and Eats.
Magical Homents
Some lucky people take multiple trips to Disney in the same year. For others, there are a few years in between vacations to the House of Mouse. But for anyone who loves Disney, it always feels like too long before you’ll be back again. That’s why we have our section called Magical Homents (we smooshed the words home and moments together to create this new word. It simply means creating magical Disney moments at home. If your life needs a little extra sprinkling of pixie dust, then visit Magical Homents.
And for those of you who are here for the goodies, aka all our cool Disney Lifestyle Swag, you can zip straight over to our SHOP. But you might also want to check out the rest of the site too, there’s some pretty great information (if we do say so ourselves) for all Disney lovers. Bonus: Scattered throughout our website, are what we call Mystery Mouskatips. So keep an eye out for this symbol: To get lots of helpful tips about Disney and planning your best vacation ever!
Other Disney Content
Even if you don’t need help with how to plan a Disney vacation. You can check out our YouTube channel Dole Whip and Castle. It has tons of other great Disney content!
Thanks for stopping by, if you find our site helpful please spread the word (to the people you know who love Disney) with any of the share buttons below.
Have an enchanting day and we hope to M. I. C. ya real soon! K. E. Y.? Because we like you!