It’s been 7 months, and 5 days since my last Disney trip.
Luckily, I’m taking a trip to FL with my work in July and going to Magic Kingdom for one day to get my fix, and then hopefully heading back in October of this year for a bigger trip.

As I laid on my bed this morning, I couldn’t help imagining I was there. Walking down Main St. toward the castle, smelling all the wonderful bakery smells, enveloped in the din of swarming crowds. It never fails to give me the same elated, euphoric, nothing-can-go-wrong feeling every time I walk down those busy streets, surrounded by the old-timey music and carefully crafted buildings with such minute details.
This is why Disney World will forever be my Happy Place. I just feel wonderful when I’m there. I know others feel this way too, as there are SO many of us Disney World fans, and those of us who must go at least once a year. There are some, however, those who have never been, or maybe those who have but never felt that magic—you know, that special kind of magic that happens in childhood, where everything and anything is possible?— who won’t understand why. But we do.
And it creates a unique bond between Disney Lovers. The online community of Disney World connoisseurs is extensive as you may know, but it’s also an amazing community of people who support one another with kindness like I’ve never seen before, because we all share the same affinity for a place, a man, and his Mouse.
Whenever I run across one of those people who don’t believe, who doesn’t understand why I am planning yet again another trip to Orlando, FL, (I even have a couple of them in my family), it is so comforting and wonderful to go online and see all the marvelous Disney goers who are just like me.
I don’t have to try to explain how it makes me feel, how fun it is, how everything is magical, how you feel like a kid again because you have no cares in the world.
They just know. Because they too have got that Disney Lovin’ Feeling.